
Jay Mt.

when: friday august 6th 2010

where: upper jay, essex county, ny

who drove: scott drove his hyundai from westport with us in it.

participants: scott, judy, alaina and myself.

food: tofu cheese with lettuce on whole wheat. corn chips. sliced carrot sticks. sliced and pitted peaches. corn chips. chocolate covered pomegranate pieces. tap water. wild blueberries. gluten-free chocolate graham crackers.

trail: 6 miles of unmarked herd path. windy, up and down. a few really steep parts. lots of roots and stones and trees to maneuver around. second half is an "open" ridge-traverse as opposed to the initial woods hiking.

views/weather: warm and breezy, drastic difference between when the sun was behind a cloud and when it wasn't. green mountains. whiteface mountain. high peaks. dix range. giant and rocky peak ridge. ausable and champlain valleys.

notes: we slept for like 20 minutes on top after lunch. crazy amounts of wild blueberries along the ridge, was just the right time i guess.

elevation: 3,600 feet. (2,100-plus vertical relief)


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