
Kaaterskill High Peak (attempt), Catskills, NY

January 13th 2013

(via northern, Long Path, approach or from rt 28)

Victoria and myself. Trouble finding the Long Path blazes, parking. Turned around 3 or 4 times on the road. Lost the map somewhere early on the ascent after shedding layers. Feet got wet and cold. Started around 10:30am, reached Ella's Ledge at 11:25am. Used Yak Tracks and Microspikes. Feet got wet and cold. Snow was slushy. Air was warm at times, stripped down to T-shirt. Watched fog moving from above fog. Saw blue skies. Hiked down inside of fog. Maybe we made it to Buttermilk Falls, where we ate lunch, changed Victoria's socks. We headed back around 1:45pm and got back to the car around 4pm. We drove up to the first set of falls and took pictures before driving back to the city.  No distance or elevation numbers.. lost map. We didn't see the snowmobile trails or the summit, obviously.